affiliate marketing and business internet: More Success Secrets of Home Based Businesses or Activities

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jeudi 28 avril 2016

More Success Secrets of Home Based Businesses or Activities

I am amazed when people join a network marketing program, home based business, or private internet based activities without a firm marketing plan in place. The plan has to be more than asking your friends and family. What everyone needs is an ongoing, long term strategy to continue talking to prospects. This plan must be devised and revised on a weekly basis and the results of your implemented marketing strategy must be tracked.
Success in internet based income or cashflow programs requires the same discipline and strategy that tracking weight requires. For example, research indicates that people who track what they eat and what exercise they do on a daily basis will significantly raise their ability to lose weight. What gets tracked gets measured. This habit of tracking your cash generating activities is what is required to insure success. Everyone who is looking to enter this arena should really take an inventory of your mindset. Are you a disciplined person? Are you willing to commit to the daily discipline of meeting your goals? Losing weight and making money from home requires similar disciplines. If you cheat (i.e. don't workout or don't follow disciplined eating) you will gain weight. If you cheat (i.e. don't talk to prospects, don't develop a weekly and daily marketing strategy and implement it, don't follow up) you will not make any money.
There is a lot of fear mongering going on in the home based arena by the general public and that is no one makes money from home or most people fail. To be honest most people DO FAIL at losing weight AND home based businesses or activities if they are not disciplined. Most programs that have been around for 5 years or more truly do work but YOU have to do work. It's called netWORK marketing not net JOIN marketing.
Another success secret is be careful who you associate with. It is important to surround yourself with eagles. Have you noticed at work how a lot of people complain about their job, their boss, etc. If you hang around complainers and failures that is going to impact your success and perspective on the business or home based activity you have chosen to participate in. Focus on success and cash generating activities. Do not entertain negativity.
SECRET #5 - DEVELOP 30, 60, and 90 day goals
Execute a firm 90 day strategy or 90 day challenge. Then do a 5 year goal planning activity. What is it that you want to accomplish within the next 30, 60, and 90 days? What about the next 3 to 5 years in your chosen program? You need to have a firm understanding of why you are doing what you are doing because guess what? The going will get rough and you have to keep going despite the obstacles. You also must accept full responsibility for your success or failure in your chosen endeavor. There will be no one to blame but yourself. Not your inviter, not the business or private activity. If you quit and the program is still in existence if you did not make money it will be because YOU chose not to do the work required and you did not take advantage of the resources of your program or business.
I know this article was a little harsh but it's the cold hard truth. If you want easy do not venture into this arena because if you want big success the hard unsexy truth is that it will take work and it will take discipline and you will encounter a lot of rejection. The otherside of all of this is if you persevere you will be rewarded with cashflow and trips! And if you are really in the right program you will have the most important thing in the world- TIME FREEDOM!!!

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