affiliate marketing and business internet: 10 Ways To Get Content For Your Blog marketing

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samedi 14 avril 2018

10 Ways To Get Content For Your Blog marketing

Content marketing demands a lot of attention. You need to pay attention to the latest popular trends, analyze your competitors’ strategies, and come up with new, original ideas on a constant basis so you can post regularly and build an audience that expects—and desires—your consistent material. For some content marketers, the obstacle is in the core strategy; questions like “who is my key audience?” or “what mediums do I need to be using?” But for most content marketers, the biggest problem is creating enough high-quality, engaging material to keep the engine of your content strategy running.

If you’re having trouble keeping up a consistent flow of content, try one of these unique strategies to create a higher volume of the same high-quality material your audience has come to expect:

1. Break up your posts. This isn’t about “creating more content” as much as it is about using the content you already have more efficiently. If you’re a fan of writing longer posts, try breaking those posts up into smaller, more niche titles. It will give you more opportunities to post without watering down your content. If you’re already writing short posts, this strategy can still work for you—take your idea for the post and transform it into different permutations. For example, if you write an article about top breakfast foods for young children, write a follow-up about top lunch foods for young children.
2. Experiment with newsjacking. Newsjacking has become a bit of a buzzword, but it’s a viable and easy strategy that anyone can use. Essentially, newsjacking involves finding a relevant trending topic and repurposing it for your own blog. It will take a bit of effort to find the right news story that fits your niche or industry, and some more effort to brainstorm and write a good spin on it, but it can work wonders.

3. Outsource your content creation: internally. Another way to get more content flowing is to rely on your coworkers for a little bit of help. This is especially useful if you work for a large company with multiple departments. Ask around to see who might be interested in writing up a sample blog about their own responsibilities within the company—for example, in a manufacturing company, a niche technician would be able to write a highly detailed post about the pitfalls of certain types of equipment. This way, you can leverage the power of your existing staff to create more—and more unique—content.

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