affiliate marketing and business internet: 10 New Year's Resolutions for Your Online Business

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mercredi 13 janvier 2016

10 New Year's Resolutions for Your Online Business

At the beginning of a new year we tend to contemplate our lives and try to find a way to improve our situation. We set goals and make a promise to ourselves to achieve these goals.
The same should be done with our business. We need to take some time to look over the last year to see how we can improve our business performance. What goals can we set for our business that will result in growth and improved results?
Here are some New Year's resolution ideas for your online business growth and success.
1. Refine Your Social Media - Social media is a very important marketing tactic for today's online business but it can be very time-consuming. You need to set a schedule for your social media participation. Use tools like Hootsuite, Buffer and TweetDeck. They can help you free up time that is needed for other tasks. Allow so much time per day for your social media activity. These sites can become addictive and can cause us to neglect other areas of our marketing and business management.
2. Learn New Skills - The many areas and facets of owning and running an online business can be very overwhelming. The techniques, tools and formats are constantly evolving. We need to always be learning and never settle into a routine with our online business. There are tons of resources online that can help you keep up with the ever-changing internet business world. HubSpot Academy is a great place to start. You can also try Moz for search engine optimization, LearnVest to help you manage your business finds and countless quality blogs to help teach you the newest and most productive marketing trends.
3. Get a Grip on Your Finances - If you do your own money management and record keeping for your business, be sure to analyze and plan accordingly. There are some great software programs to help you keep meticulous records of your business funds. A good example would be Quickbooks or Quicken. You need to know where your funds are going and if you should keep them going in that direction. Go over your advertising budget. Are you getting the results needed? Should you go down other avenues with your advertising budget? What are your regular expenses and are all of these expenses necessary or productive to your business? You need to go over all these questions and more to see if you are delegating your funds for maximum results.
4. Analyze Your Marketing Tactics - As above with your finances, you need to analyze all aspects of your marketing plan. Are your methods yielding the results you expected or needed? What tactics are working and which ones are not? Some techniques might need to be upgraded or even terminated.
5. Revitalize Your Business Plan - With all the new trends and innovations you might need to update your business plan. Go over the plan in detail and reconnect with your goals and aspirations.
6. Commit to Superior Customer Service - Customers are the lifeblood of a business. You cannot survive without them so why would you neglect them. Make it a priority to streamline your customer service and give your customer's the utmost attention and care. Focus on their needs and providing the solutions to their problems. It is a sad fact that customer service is dying. Let's bring it back to life!

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