affiliate marketing and business internet: How To Use A Lead Magnet As Bait In Your Online Business

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mercredi 3 juin 2015

How To Use A Lead Magnet As Bait In Your Online Business

What are you going to offer your customer avatar/target audience in exchange for their information? It's called the lead magnet, in other words the bait or the bribe.
Today we're going to focus on attracting with a lead magnet.
So you've found your target audience, and figured out exactly who your customer avatar is.
We're going to cover:
1. Why offering a lead magnet is SO important in any business
2. How do you come up with a lead magnet?
3. What if I'm not an expert yet?
4. The requirements of a lead magnet
5. How to deliver your lead magnet?
OK so first you're probably asking how do you come up with the lead magnet?
This one is kinda easy. It took me literally a couple of years to actually come up with lead magnet ideas on demand.
Before we begin, I wanted to talk about the golden rule of marketing:
"Join the Conversation Already Happening in Your Prospect's Mind...
Start the relationship talking to your prospect about what they're interested in...
NOT what you're interested in.
Help people get a result without expecting to get money out of them - the sale will come.
1. Why offering a bribe is SO important in any business
In order to grab your prospect's attention, you have to focus on what's in it for them.
You do this by:
- Providing tremendous value
- Helping them solve their problems
- Answering their most pressing questions
- Educating them on How it will work for them
- Focusing on benefits... Not features
- Sell the destination... Not the vehicle
- FREE information almost ALWAYS works well
It does a couple of things:
- Establishes authority and positions you as an expert
- Builds Rapport and Trust (it invoked the law of reciprocity)
- More people are more interested in learning HOW to do something that actually doing it
- Very inexpensive (usually FREE) to deliver
- "Sellucation" - Pulls people toward making a buying decision instead of pushing them (people love to buy but hate to be sold)
2. How do you come up with lead magnet ideas?
Now let's begin with creating the bribe.
Firstly, get out a sheet of paper, a pen and write down your target audience / customer avatar at the top.
Then write down these 6 questions:
I. What is your prospects #1 question about your topic?
ii. What is your prospects #1 problem or frustration?
iii. What keeps your prospect awake at night?
iv. What is your prospect's #1 fear?
v. What is your prospects most passionate about?
vi. What is your prospect currently typing into their search engine? i.e., etc..
The above 6 questions will help you come up with awesome and relevant content.
Now that you have a big list, draw out 2 columns on a sheet of paper:
Name column 1 - Problem, Pain, Situation, Question, Fear, Frustration
Name column 2 - Answer or Solution
So column 1 answers are from the answers from the 6 questions above. An example for a network marketer could be - "Running out of leads to talk to - No leads"
Column 2 answers are basically the lead magnet ideas you're brainstorming.
Following the networking marketers pain "no leads" example above, they could be:
- Give them examples on where to prospect
- Teach them attraction marketing and online lead generation techniques
- Show them how to prospect on social media
The lead magnet examples above can be E-mails, Videos, Blog Posts and any other Content medium you will use to communicate with and help your target audience.
Now that we have some ideas from the above it's time to talk about "What if I'm not an expert yet?"
I know this list is a bit out of whack, but you'll understand why it's been written this way.
3. What if I'm not an expert yet?
If you're just starting out in business or you're thinking "Why the heck would someone listen to what I have to say?" then take the following couple of sentences very seriously.
You might be saying to yourself "I don't have any results or credibility". Well guess what... Knowing something your prospect's don't... gives you INSTANT CREDIBILITY!
You might also be saying to yourself "I don't have the answers yet".
There's a couple of things here you can do:
- Find somebody who does have the answers
- Study them and re-teach what you learn (giving credit)
- Interview them and turn the interview into your lead magnet
- Become an affiliate for them
- Did that just make things simpler for you? I hope it did!
4. The requirements
OK so we've covered off on a why offering a bribe is so important and how to come up with lead magnet ideas on tap. Now it's time for the requirements of a lead magnet.
A lead magnet:
- Doesn't have to be long
- Must answer a specific question or a specific problem
- Provide tremendous value (prove that you can help them, by ACTUALLY helping them)... simple right?
- Fast consumption (must give immediate gratification)
- Must leave them wanting more (think of it like a good first date)
5. How to deliver your bribe?
So now you have your lead magnet ideas and know what you're bribe is going to be. Now it's time to actually send your lead magnet to your prospect.
For information products (i.e. case studies, "how to" training, process maps, resource guides etc..)
- Email
- Blog post
- E-book or PDF (blog post turned into a PDF)
- Audio
- Talking head video
- Screen capture video
- Webinar
- Teleseminar
- Interviews
- For a physical product (like a book) it could be a free product plus payment of the shipping cost
- It could be a free sample of the product you are offering (like a juice smoothie product sample)
- A free trial (a test drive of the product or service or software or membership site you are selling)
- A contest (enter to win)
- A discount or a coupon
- or a Free consultation of your services.
By now you should have a firm understanding of what it takes to create your lead magnet and hopefully come up with your own templates to use whenever you need.
I'm going to ask a question now and you may or may not know the answer... What's the number 1 most important element of a lead magnet???
The headline will make or break the appeal of your lead magnet. Try out some different proven headlines and you'll have a bribe that will give massive value to your prospect!
So now you that you have the formula to create a lead magnet, what will you create for your customer?
Do you want 5 winning headline formulas that will instantly grab your prospect's attention and pull them into your lead magnet? You can use these templates for your Blog post title, E-mail subject line, Headline on capture page, The name of your lead magnet, Title of YouTube video or The name of your product. These 5 headlines are totally free and you can download them here -

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