affiliate marketing and business internet: juin 2015

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vendredi 26 juin 2015

Business Emergence: The New Age of Internet

Every since the late 19th century, the world has witnessed the rise of United States of America as the ring master in the world of business. Industrial development gave birth to some maestros whose hunger for wealth and money shaped the future and the fate of the nation. Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Vanderbilt, J P Morgan, Ford, Rockefeller were few to count on the finger tips who shaped the way the business was done by far. They created the empires so vast which controlled the major aspects of humanity varying from automobiles, energy, transportation, finance etc. Their dominance was the proof of hard built leadership emerged as the result of consistent persuasion working towards building up such enterprises by paying a hefty price of their lifetime and sacrifices, which lasted for decades but that was done before the Internet technology was not even conceived. It's hard to imagine how those people were able to achieve that feat but as we say "necessity is the mother of invention" and thus the rest is history.
In 1970s the world was in rush to develop a technology which could enable to leap forward an era, and could open a gateway of remarkable possibilities and thus the modern computer came into the existence. Modern computers helped shaping a new environment for business and world affairs, for which the entire world was eagerly waiting for endless count of time on human clock and thus everything suddenly changed. An era of evolution begin and slowly computers started to fit in every aspect of daily life which gave birth to some unique corporate entities who were nowhere related the names of Ford, Rockefeller or Edison, who faded away in the mist of time but new giants like Microsoft, Apple Inc, Oracle, IBM etc. came into existence and by 1980s and 1990s they slowly took over the crown of leadership in the world of business. But as computers evolved, sooner those geeks started to realize there was some important ingredient which was missing from this delicacy of business and thus it gave birth to a new magic wand, we call " Internet " and since then everything changed for good.
Internet brought the obscured world into light which made the world a one place and as the blood flows in the veins, information started flowing all over the planet and made everything so accessible. But as we realize the business aspect of Internet, the world has seen a rapid change in the way the business was done even with computers before, where limited players were dominating the corporate structure and controlling the pockets of a common investor or Financial Institutions and their fate was destined in the rage of their espionage. On the other hand, Internet opened the doors of possibilities and thus a new breed of business came on board which was no less than sorcery. It all started with the names of Yahoo, Google or Amazon but sooner it started spreading its sting like an epidemic where new kids with some bright idea turned them into reality and all of a sudden some new baby CEOs started to born. In the past decade, world has witnessed how internet has evolved ever since its inception and it was not worth doing only sending mails or web surfing but gave birth to endless new ideas, who turned out to be the corporate giants like Alibaba, Amazon, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Uber etc.It had never happened in the entire human history where one tool enabled so many ideas to prosper and bear the fruit. Their ideas, their approach, their needs, their visions, everything was so different from their predecessors, and thus as they say "old fades away and new flies away" became a reality. eCommerce and social media sites are example how this Internet fever suddenly took over the Wall Street and other financial institutions, globally, and as a result, it gave birth to a new breed of Dollar billionaires who amazed their fortune in a span of 5-7 years where it took generations for the enterprises to achieve that feat in the past. Stocks, markets, businesses has never seen such tremendous pace and acceleration, what they witnessed since the age of internet. More than 100 Internet start ups varying from E-commerce, social media, travel, cabs etc has joined the "Unicorn Club" where a company turned, from an idea into a billion dollar empire and so their founder kids into billionaires.
Internet gave new dimensions to everything we do or dependent upon in our daily life, runs from business, banking, shopping or socializing or music or conferring. Human race was never more dependent upon anything like this before. It has changed the way the human race was living since the age of time and by doing so if an internet newbie has made himself a fortune, doesn't seem filthy at all. After all they have fulfilled our urges and by doing so they have created some more and when you see, tilting the apparatus, everybody is gaining something here. No one knows the future but looking at the present, where an extraordinaire is happening every here and then, well, we can say, something big is on the way.

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mardi 16 juin 2015

Practical Solutions When Email Marketing Does Not Work

It doesn't matter if you're already a part or just in search of ways on how to launch a successful email marketing campaign. You ought to know that not all email marketing works the way you want it to.
This means that sometimes, even when you're already exerting a lot of effort, your campaign wouldn't generate the degree of success you anticipated. This failure to generate success may be the cause of various reasons. Here's what you should do when email marketing does not work the way it's supposed to.
A lot of marketers are aware that email has a lot of users. In fact, it has the major "traffic," more than what the social media channels have. What does this imply? Simple, a small amount of targeted marketing aimed at high-quality traffic will yield the results you're expecting of.
Inability to properly execute a marketing plan: It is important to focus on this, because a well-formulated marketing strategy can turn into a failure if not executed properly.
For instance, you're planning to use newsletters as the vital component of a campaign. However, these newsletters appear to be unprofessional, poorly written, and doesn't even arrive on time. More often that not, this will result in a loss of readers.
In every marketing campaign, it's important to ensure that every piece of information you're going to provide is informative, accurate, and comprehensive. This type of copy will surely interest the readers.
The "problem" with every email being sent is that it depends on a number of factors in order to ensure its success. For instance, did you see any positive results because of the subject line or call-to-action copy of the email? Or, was the email a complete failure because it failed to deliver the actual message?
Unfortunately, you can't answer these questions right away. Likewise, you can't create a plan for a long-term success within a day. This is where you should perform the A/B testing.
A/B testing can affect the overall growth of an email marketing campaign, because it will supply the insights needed on a daily basis. Every email sent without an A/B test is a lost of opportunity to become successful.
Based on a Gartner Study, it has been revealed that almost 74% of smartphone owners use their devices in checking their emails. That in mind, it's important to ensure that the emails you're going to send are mobile-friendly-- that it can be accessible in most platforms.
When it comes to mobile optimization, a lot of web owners believe that it's essential to use software or invest in a mobile application that automatically configures the content of the email. Even though both are beneficial, the use of software is preferable.
Mobile users expect the emails to be delivered in a way where it's clear, concise, and straight to the point. The best way to achieve this is by using a one-column template. This format easily adapts to different screen sizes. Oftentimes, a lot of Internet marketers use multi-column templates and "professional" formatting as a way to capture the reader's attention. Truth be told, all it does is distract the readers.
When it comes to email marketing; a lot of marketers spend most of their time and resources on email than on any other channels. One of the easiest ways to manage your time in email creation is by cloning an already existing email. For some, this is probably a cheap method. I am not saying that you should resend the same messages over and over again. Instead, follow the same solid foundation in creating the future messages.
For example, a lot of email providers utilize image placement, because it's more efficient. All you have to do is drop an image in place of the old one.
A well-thought email message will be useless if there aren't any social share buttons included within the content. How will people spread the content without this?
Whether it's forgetting to incorporate the social share buttons or a typo, these tiny mistakes can have a huge impact on your email marketing strategy. In order to resolve this, you should follow an approval process in place for the email or come up with an email checklist and stick to that. The email checklist option is considered to be more efficient, especially if you'll include the following elements:
- Sending to the right list
- Proof reading the content
- Choosing the correct suppression checklist.
- Ensuring all hyperlinks are working
My name is Frans Bouckenooghe, born in Roeselare, Belgium.
In 1980, I immigrated with my Rarotongan (Cook Islands) wife Tangata and two children to New Zealand.
I am a self employed Registered Building Surveyor. I identify and report on building defects. I love my work.
Besides working, I enjoy company of family and friends, internet marketing and photography.
I believe that little can be accomplished in life without some investment in yourself. Keep fit, consume right, practice kindness, remain positive, and keep your curiosity up. Treat these things as similarly important to love and friendship and I think you have a much better chance to lead a happy life.

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mercredi 10 juin 2015

Online Business Ideas For Daredevils

You probably heard about making money online by creating an online business. The only thing missing is the perfect online business concept. This article will help you do exactly that.
What if I say to you that you don't need to be good at something to be seen as an expert?
Yeah. Pretty unrealistic right? NOT TRUE!
Now before you start yelling at me to stop talking, bare with me for a few more words.
You are reading this because you need a perfect business idea right? You need to know how to find it.
If I inspire you to do just that, what did I do?
I provided you something you need.
You have a struggle right now and I helped you overcome that struggle.
Before I tell you why you don't have to be good at something to be seen as an expert I want to make something clear to you.
Like you, millions of people need information every day about something. And who do they turn to?
People want to know things from how to cut an union to how to save their marriage and everything in between.
Lets move on.
How can you be an expert without actually being one?
The big mistake you are probably making (and you're not alone, I was exactly the same way at first) is that you think you already have to have all the answers.
You don't have to be a master-chef to know how to cut an union. You do need to know how to cut an union on your way to BECOMING a master-chef.
The person who decided to become a master-chef wants information because they are passionate, they turn to Google because they want to connect and find information. They find lots of different people teaching them different styles of the same thing. They feel connected to some and less to others due to different methods, different personality styles, different levels of mastery.
So I want you to think about something.
What would you like to become good at?
It doesn't matter what it is.
Now just go and study it, practice and document your discoveries. Online.
Blog about it. Make videos about it. People love people who are learning and transforming. You are an example while you are also easy to relate to.
The brilliance of this concept is that you add value because you help people in the 'struggle' of learning the skill. They can easily relate to you because you are just like them, figuring things out. They see you get better. They root for you. They get to share your journey AND learn from you.
You are thus seen as an authority while you are BECOMING an expert.
And somewhere in you journey you begin to see what would be beneficial for total beginners to know. And you make a product for your already existing following.
This is the point were you begin to make money because people already like you, trust you and want to know more. You have been in conversation with them on YouTube and on your blog so all the newcomers see others raving about you and see that people trust you and like you.
They want to know how to get started too so they buy your product. Wouldn't you?
I hope you enjoyed this and feel inspired. You can do this, I promise you.

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samedi 6 juin 2015

Why Should You Use Facebook For Internet Marketing?

Have you thought of how to acquire information today? What can you find most people doing at a given time? Those are the questions that advertisers look into.Traditional forms of marketing like TV targeted those that watched TV especially prime hours. Billboards targeted folks held up in traffic. In this changing world, most people are on online social media most of the time. Facebook is one of the leading social media platforms with over 1.25 billion users and transcends the globe unlike TV or Radio limited by geographical location.
Traditional forms of marketing only aim at the customer receiving the information about how good a product or service is. This left them out from sharing their views about the advert or company. This news would then be useful in helping improve subsequent promotions.
Facebook presents a good online platform where the seller and the buyer can interact through a one-on-on-one conversation. Through Facebook pages and groups, you can draw immense traffic to your product, a feature that traditional forms lacked.
Facebook enjoys a great audience than any site on the Internet and, therefore, presents a greater probability of reaching out to potential customers. Facebook enables you to create creative content like photos and videos that you can share with friends. It, therefore, forms as a way of connecting people.To market to this online community, giving good comments and recommendations to them will make them appreciated and spur a strong feeling of loyalty to the brand. This can then create a chain of sharing from friend to friend and their friend and the web grows and becomes viral. To effectively use this community, companies planning to advertise through Facebook should promote their products or services by building confidence among their followers about the brand.
Facebook has the Facebook page where you can open your page. Creating an appealing and convincing profile can lead to good traffic as it convinces its viewers to share it with others too. There are applications in the market that can help decorate the page. Facebook can help draw traffic to your website. The website is primarily your marketplace where you explicitly explain about your product or service.
The "like "or "comment" features of Facebook help you maintain a conversation with your followers thus maintaining contact and helps to know what they like most. Facebook Insights helps you know when to post when most of your followers are online. This is unique as other media do not provide it, and thus you can end up posting when very few people are online. The news feed feature for Facebook also helps to get updates of previous posts that maybe followers missed.
Facebook is invariably the online platform to market your product or service. It has many features that allow user interaction and sharing of content. This can help your message go to more people and increase the possible number of sales conversions.

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vendredi 5 juin 2015

SEO Vs PPC A Complete Overview of the Keyword Research Process

Whether you choose SEO or PPC for online marketing, keyword research is common to both. But is the keyword research process similar in both the cases? Or is it actually different, but connected when it comes to gaining some meaningful insights? Let's find out.
SEO may be compared to a grueling run, that keeps on and on, it is a time taking and tedious process. SEO takes time and in fact a lot of time to deliver the best results, it doesn't work like magic and give you instant success. The process of SEO uses the natural listings on global search engines, by using certain techniques involving the keywords. It involves lot of effort and skill to be listed among the top pages of the search engines; they include a great mix of Keyword and its selection, regularly updating the contents and so on.
Another aspect of SEO is to be within the ethical limits of SEO standards; else the page may be subject to a ban by the search engines. Popularity of links present in the website and content relevancy are some of the other factors that affect the listings or rankings on search engines.
On the contrary, PPC or Pay-Per-Click may be considered as a short sprint. The process involves displaying advertisements in the sponsored result sections, of the search engines result pages. Every time any user clicks on that sponsored advertisement, the advertiser is charged a fee. PPC may yield some instant result and generate a decent amount of traffic to the webpage/site.
The fact that you can immediately appear on the first page of the results is a huge bonus. But ranking with PPC depends on certain factors as well. They include the landing page and the quality score of the advertisement. One of the most important aspects is the amount of your bid on the keywords.
Generating Keywords
Generating a list of keywords seems to be as easy as an apple pie, with the number of keyword research tools available. But the data might not be sufficient or relevant about the website concerned.
The data that you gather via free keyword tools -
Only gives an approximation of the total traffic for the particular keyword(s)
Cannot enlighten about the actual search traffic
Fails to highlight or inform about the relevancy of the content with the phrase
Does not inform whether people find way to your site or not
Doesn't show the real impact on your site
But a PPC campaign can highlight the amount of real traffic a particular keyword or set of keywords can generate. It also gives an insight about searchers and their thought process about finding something relevant to your site. It also gives Google's view about your keyword list. This will help you identify the best keywords for the sites SEO also.
Using the Keywords
After identifying the best keywords through PPC, use them to develop and create engaging and informative content for your website. The knowledge about the precise keywords to drive traffic and/ or sales can do wonders when used judiciously in developing the content.
This will not only save a lot of time and energy, but it will also help discover new long tail keywords.
Always Go Back & Look for More
Revisiting the log files is always a good idea. This helps in discovering new website keywords. It also helps you find new keywords that are in the process of more use, and thereby plan your content or redesign some content using them for SEO.
What about the Margin of Error?
As compared to PPC keywords, SEO keywords have a large margin of error. When you are working with SEO, you can always adjust or tweak the keywords for better rankings in search engine results. The best part about SEO keyword selection process is that you don't need to pay a fee for choosing them. Also, you have the freedom to compete for those keywords that are highly competitive.
In case of PPC keywords, however, there's a fee/ keyword involved. That's why you have only a tiny margin of error here. If you make mistakes while choosing keywords for your PPC campaign, you'll waste money.
Before actually deciding or jumping to any conclusion about keywords, it is very important to clarify the goals, methodology about their use. It is very clear to all that PPC and SEO are two different things and the keyword selection for each need to be different. But the insight that PPC can provide can be used to develop meaningful and relevant content to drive or generate traffic. The insight can give an opportunity to develop informative and relevant content that will be compelling also, with a decent mix of SEO keywords and PPC keywords to yield the best results. The keywords scattered through the landing and subsequent pages will serve better to rank higher.

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jeudi 4 juin 2015

5 Ways Your Competitors Are Making Money Online

If you're starting an internet business, or you already have one, do you find it irritating when you see your competitors making money online, but you're not? The reason is that your competitors have clearly determined how to attract their target audience to buy their products or services. Here are 5 ways they are building their profitable internet business.
1. Developing Relationships.
The most successful internet businesses are making money online by building relationships with their potential customers, usually by email. These potential customers have given their permission to receive these emails as they know that they will receive valuable and beneficial information. Email marketing allows you to build trust and respect from the people on your database and thus they will be more likely to buy from you.
2. Solving A Problem.
How can your product make the life of your prospect easier, better or safer? You have to clearly communicate the benefits of your product on your website, in your emails, in your social media posts and in your advertisements. You may have prospective customers on your email list already, or following you on social media, but they might not be sure if your product is the right one for them, so you have to let them know all the benefits.
3. Using Social Media.
Your customers are on social media regardless of whether you like it or not. Successful online entrepreneurs use social media to connect, engage and interact with their target audience. If your customer has an idea of what they want they will follow different products and businesses on social media to see which one might offer them the most value. They also probably use social media to communicate with other people in your niche and with other people in your target audience.
4. Website Content That Uses The Right Keywords.
Your prospect will look for other people on the internet who have the same problem as them because they are looking for empathy and support. When they find your website, they need to immediately see that you recognize their problem and how your product or service can help solve it. Your website content must always be written from your visitor's point of view and incorporate keywords that will be picked up by the search engines.
5. Advertising.
You might have the best website online, with the best services or products at the best prices, but you won't be making money online if nobody knows your business is out there. You need a constant flow of targeted customers visiting your website and online sales pages. There will always be a cost for traffic, whether it is paid for with money or paid for with time. Paid advertising does not have to be expensive and if you know your target audience there are many cost effective ways to reach them.
When setting up an online business there can seem to be a mountain of obstacles to climb - from getting your website online, to finding the right products to sell and the best customers to buy them. Discover quick, easy and proven online business strategies here.
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mercredi 3 juin 2015

How To Use A Lead Magnet As Bait In Your Online Business

What are you going to offer your customer avatar/target audience in exchange for their information? It's called the lead magnet, in other words the bait or the bribe.
Today we're going to focus on attracting with a lead magnet.
So you've found your target audience, and figured out exactly who your customer avatar is.
We're going to cover:
1. Why offering a lead magnet is SO important in any business
2. How do you come up with a lead magnet?
3. What if I'm not an expert yet?
4. The requirements of a lead magnet
5. How to deliver your lead magnet?
OK so first you're probably asking how do you come up with the lead magnet?
This one is kinda easy. It took me literally a couple of years to actually come up with lead magnet ideas on demand.
Before we begin, I wanted to talk about the golden rule of marketing:
"Join the Conversation Already Happening in Your Prospect's Mind...
Start the relationship talking to your prospect about what they're interested in...
NOT what you're interested in.
Help people get a result without expecting to get money out of them - the sale will come.
1. Why offering a bribe is SO important in any business
In order to grab your prospect's attention, you have to focus on what's in it for them.
You do this by:
- Providing tremendous value
- Helping them solve their problems
- Answering their most pressing questions
- Educating them on How it will work for them
- Focusing on benefits... Not features
- Sell the destination... Not the vehicle
- FREE information almost ALWAYS works well
It does a couple of things:
- Establishes authority and positions you as an expert
- Builds Rapport and Trust (it invoked the law of reciprocity)
- More people are more interested in learning HOW to do something that actually doing it
- Very inexpensive (usually FREE) to deliver
- "Sellucation" - Pulls people toward making a buying decision instead of pushing them (people love to buy but hate to be sold)
2. How do you come up with lead magnet ideas?
Now let's begin with creating the bribe.
Firstly, get out a sheet of paper, a pen and write down your target audience / customer avatar at the top.
Then write down these 6 questions:
I. What is your prospects #1 question about your topic?
ii. What is your prospects #1 problem or frustration?
iii. What keeps your prospect awake at night?
iv. What is your prospect's #1 fear?
v. What is your prospects most passionate about?
vi. What is your prospect currently typing into their search engine? i.e., etc..
The above 6 questions will help you come up with awesome and relevant content.
Now that you have a big list, draw out 2 columns on a sheet of paper:
Name column 1 - Problem, Pain, Situation, Question, Fear, Frustration
Name column 2 - Answer or Solution
So column 1 answers are from the answers from the 6 questions above. An example for a network marketer could be - "Running out of leads to talk to - No leads"
Column 2 answers are basically the lead magnet ideas you're brainstorming.
Following the networking marketers pain "no leads" example above, they could be:
- Give them examples on where to prospect
- Teach them attraction marketing and online lead generation techniques
- Show them how to prospect on social media
The lead magnet examples above can be E-mails, Videos, Blog Posts and any other Content medium you will use to communicate with and help your target audience.
Now that we have some ideas from the above it's time to talk about "What if I'm not an expert yet?"
I know this list is a bit out of whack, but you'll understand why it's been written this way.
3. What if I'm not an expert yet?
If you're just starting out in business or you're thinking "Why the heck would someone listen to what I have to say?" then take the following couple of sentences very seriously.
You might be saying to yourself "I don't have any results or credibility". Well guess what... Knowing something your prospect's don't... gives you INSTANT CREDIBILITY!
You might also be saying to yourself "I don't have the answers yet".
There's a couple of things here you can do:
- Find somebody who does have the answers
- Study them and re-teach what you learn (giving credit)
- Interview them and turn the interview into your lead magnet
- Become an affiliate for them
- Did that just make things simpler for you? I hope it did!
4. The requirements
OK so we've covered off on a why offering a bribe is so important and how to come up with lead magnet ideas on tap. Now it's time for the requirements of a lead magnet.
A lead magnet:
- Doesn't have to be long
- Must answer a specific question or a specific problem
- Provide tremendous value (prove that you can help them, by ACTUALLY helping them)... simple right?
- Fast consumption (must give immediate gratification)
- Must leave them wanting more (think of it like a good first date)
5. How to deliver your bribe?
So now you have your lead magnet ideas and know what you're bribe is going to be. Now it's time to actually send your lead magnet to your prospect.
For information products (i.e. case studies, "how to" training, process maps, resource guides etc..)
- Email
- Blog post
- E-book or PDF (blog post turned into a PDF)
- Audio
- Talking head video
- Screen capture video
- Webinar
- Teleseminar
- Interviews
- For a physical product (like a book) it could be a free product plus payment of the shipping cost
- It could be a free sample of the product you are offering (like a juice smoothie product sample)
- A free trial (a test drive of the product or service or software or membership site you are selling)
- A contest (enter to win)
- A discount or a coupon
- or a Free consultation of your services.
By now you should have a firm understanding of what it takes to create your lead magnet and hopefully come up with your own templates to use whenever you need.
I'm going to ask a question now and you may or may not know the answer... What's the number 1 most important element of a lead magnet???
The headline will make or break the appeal of your lead magnet. Try out some different proven headlines and you'll have a bribe that will give massive value to your prospect!
So now you that you have the formula to create a lead magnet, what will you create for your customer?
Do you want 5 winning headline formulas that will instantly grab your prospect's attention and pull them into your lead magnet? You can use these templates for your Blog post title, E-mail subject line, Headline on capture page, The name of your lead magnet, Title of YouTube video or The name of your product. These 5 headlines are totally free and you can download them here -

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mardi 2 juin 2015

CRITICAL Factors That Affect the Best Practices in Email Marketing

This article will discuss comprehensively the importance and the significance of effective and efficient email marketing. We will be discussing the crucial and critical aspects of a successful and powerful email marketing strategy in attaining high ratings in terms positive responses to email marketing campaigns and newsletter.
The email is a very powerful tool especially in attaining online business success as proven and illustrated based on the IBM software group. And based on the research conducted in 2003 the DM News reported that in the previous year, around 300,000 emails were distributed and sent by about 60 separate email marketing campaigns to existing and prospect customers, all of these recipients have been documented to have been registered at
It appears in the result of the study that the response rates to the email campaigns forwarded to them have turned out to be significantly higher compared to the traditional method of sending direct emails. As what have been said by the Vice President of the Integrated Marketing Communications at the Software Group, Mark Rosven, that 1 & ½% is a typical expectation when it comes to the direct emails; and the 4.1% generated from the marketing is proven to have given a far better result as it is almost close to 3 times better than the traditional direct email. And because of this affirmative result, the IBM Software Group has now allotted about 15% of its budget to email marketing, newsletters, advertising, and other email marketing tools.
The success of email marketing may be attributed to diverse critical factors. CRITICAL is simply an acronym of all the basic components that should comprise a powerful and successful email marketing tool. By success, we mean achieving and attaining the goals and objectives that have been set for the email marketing campaign. The best determining criteria for SUCCESS would be if the campaign has delivered or surpassed the expected outcomes.
The success of the Email marketing campaign is basically gauged by the click-throughs, which is the number of recipients who actually follow and click the hyperlinks from the email to reach the business website; but what would count most is the overall success of the campaigns that can be achieved when these recipients actually take the follow-up actions and purchase the product or avail the services offered by the business site.
To be able to have a much clearer view of what CRITICAL is as the vital and essential components of successful email marketing, they will be briefly discussed below.
- CREATIVITY. This would most likely refer to the unique email design that comprises the artistic layout which includes images, fonts, and themes. In terms of creativity, some of the key factors that businesses also need to mull over are:
- Choosing between the HTML and the TEXT format. The format is very vital to the success of the email campaign; some audience would prefer one over the other because in some instances there would be some who would encounter difficulties displaying the HTML format.
- Structuring the Email. What's in question is the effectiveness of the 2 to 3 column structures and will it really be beneficial for the readers.
- Positioning the call-to-action buttons plays a really vital role so that potential clients would be easily compelled to hit the button. The strategic position would be somewhere in the page where it could be noticed right away.
- Branding the emails. The email campaign or the newsletter should represent the brand carried by the business and the variants of the brand should also be stated in the body of the campaign.
- RELEVANCE. This is essential in eliciting positive response rates from the email marketing campaign sent to targeted interested recipients.
The Quality of the content of the email marketing campaign is what makes it relevant. Having the message personalized, creative, informative and valuable makes it highly optimized thereby making your email marketing more effective.
In relation to this as one of the CRITICAL factors, your business should be able to accumulate all pertinent information regarding your target audience's profiles, preferences, and characteristics. Knowing what arouses people's curiosity, their hobbies and interests will also be beneficial for business owners because identifying suitable people to send the email campaigns would have a much better possibility of gaining a significant response.
Basically, when we speak of an email campaign being relevant, companies should basically focus more on the CONTENT, the AUDIENCE, and a catchy SUBJECT LINE. And significantly, new recipients must have an opt-in choice to voluntarily receive your emails unless otherwise they are already pre-existing clients of your business.
- INCENTIVES. This refers to offers, promos, discounts or freebies offered by the business sites especially to their new recipients. The campaign should clearly state what benefits or gains the recipient could take advantage when they decide to click the link. Some of the best examples that best describe this is the "Win", "Free", "Discounts" and save categories, whichever you promos fall in. Another important thing is that, making secondary offers make the basic offer much more dominant in attracting customers and generate viral referrals. Entice your recipients by encouraging them to make valuable referrals by persuading friends and contemporaries to click-in and contribute to the campaign, and through these they will have more gains.
- TIMING. This refers to the perfect and most suitable period when these email marketing campaigns should be sent to the listed recipients. When we say perfect time, we don't just refer to the time of the day; this should also include the day of the week, the month or the season of the year. Based on the recent studies, it is best to send these campaigns on Fridays and weekends as it has been proven that most people have time to check all other emails on these days of the week.

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lundi 1 juin 2015

Email Marketing, The Moving Parade

A mortgage originator client writes, "Bill, I am email marketing to real estate agents who have prospects who could use a "no income check mortgage loan for Residential Investment properties and commercial properties. Sent out an email to my list of 5000 with moderate results. What should I do to increase my response?"
There are a few different issues we need to address. One is that the target audience is NOT the final customer. The final customer is the loan applicant. The target audience is the real estate agent. The message MUST be how this loan originator can get the real estate agent more business.
Another issue is figuring out how to stop thinking of the target audience as a group to sell to and to begin thinking of them as a group that wants to buy. A large part of this issue is timing. And timing is where engagement comes in.
Still, a third issue is figuring out what the heart of the target audience, the bull's eye, is all about. Who are they? What keeps them up at night? Who else wants their business and why? What language do they use?
Without getting too deep -- after all this is just a 500 word article -- are 5,000 real estate agents the correct match for this mortgage originator who sells subprime mortgages? Probably not. Most of the real estate agents' customers are probably pre-approved. It would be better if the email list of this originator was of real estate agents who work with customers who suffered foreclosure, bankruptcy, or in some other way, took a hit on their credit. That's a much smaller list.
What are these agents doing to get more business? Are they involved with cleaning up distressed properties through property preservation specialists? Are they getting deals from banks? Are there a growing number of cash investors who are willing to consider a wide variety of investment vehicles?
These questions, and many more, are a few topics that the loan originator could talk about in his or her communications with his more targeted list.
Because there are so many resources for the marketplace to tap into when researching a solution, they (the marketplace) no longer solely rely on one marketing piece. They search and search until they're ready to buy. It's a moving parade. The job of today's direct marketer is to continually communicate with the marketplace valuable information with the "right" message to the right audience so that when the customer is ready to buy, the compelling choice is YOU, the marketer who has been at each intersection of the parade providing great information.
With that thinking in mind, this loan originator must figure out a way to find real estate agents on his list who specialize in distressed situations and start to segment that email list based on the wants and needs of his prospects.
The idea is to become the hero to your list(s). How can you help them? And once you figured that out, go deep. Begin to explore HOW they would be helped further by applying different approaches. Where can they find prospects? How can they approach them? How can they close the deal (by using your service)?
Finally, start growing the relationship by communicating compelling content to your list frequently. Be there when they're ready to make the decision to buy.

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