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vendredi 25 novembre 2016

How to Write a Good MLM Success Article

Good stories are fun to write but it does take considerable amount of time to develop. MLM success stories are not much different than writing about a human-interest story. However, one can easily wreck the story development if not used to writing such content. It's not like writing a blog post, it does require a stricter editorial stance. We will go over some tips to help you develop great success stories.
Focus on the storyline, first
In MLM success, you must find the storyline. This should be easy to find, especially if you helped your prospect achieve a goal. Think about the problem they were having in the first place. Think about the steps they took to get where they are now. If need be, conduct an interview to gather more details for your article. Keep to the facts and consider the humanity of the story and not the results. No one should care about what you earned from the story. Adding the end results for your prospect is important for the story.
When you have all of the details for the story, you can then start drafting the story. A cautionary note, always get permission to use personal information in your publications. Some folks may not want their names in ink. Please respect their wishes, you can use fictional characters in replacement. If this is the case, you have to include a disclaimer about the names being changed. Before drafting the story, you should review your notes. Your notes from the research or interview should be your guide.
Drafting your MLM success story and editing
Your MLM success story can be written at this point. When writing work in a chronological order, this will the article to flow smoothly. An introduction is key to help clue in your readers. Introductory paragraphs are usually short, around fifty words. Then you can move onto the opening paragraph. This is where you set the tone and you must draw in the reader. The intro is the trailer and the opening is where you must capture the attention. The following paragraphs explain the story in greater detail. The closing paragraph sums up the whole piece or It explains the results. You could do both, it's up to you.
You will get better as you write more MLM success stories and other content. It is not a rush job and you will need to edit. In some cases, you may have to do a complete rewrite of the material. In other cases, you may only need to fix some errors and word choices.

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mercredi 9 novembre 2016

The Right Content for Your Email Marketing

Email marketing may include sending email advertisements to a large distribution list, publishing and distributing an e-newsletter and sending informative emails with a soft sell approach to encourage recipients to make a purchase or visit your website. Whether you opt to utilize one or all of these email marketing techniques, you will be faced with one specific dilemma and that is writing the content which will appear in these emails. This is critical because these emails may be the first impression potential customers are receiving for your products and services. Superior content will give the potential customers a good first impression which may make them more likely to purchase your products or services. This article will discuss some proven techniques for ensuring the content you use in your email marketing campaign will reap the maximum benefits.

The importance of hiring a professional writer to assist you in your email marketing campaign cannot be stressed enough. It is one of the most critical elements to the success of your campaign. You may be a decent writer or you may have a staff member who you think can do a good job creating the content for your email marketing but unless you or your staff member is a professional writer by trade, the quality of the work will likely not be of the same quality as a professional can produce. This can be very damaging especially if your competitors are hiring writers to create their content. Your emails will likely not be viewed as favorably as the emails written by professionals.

The content you decide to include in your email marketing efforts is largely a matter of personal preference but there are some methods which have traditionally been more successful than others. The type of content which may be effective often includes informative articles, short useful tips, links to relevant websites, advertising for complementary products and even some subtle forms of advertising which are meant to persuade the recipients of the email to either make a purchase or visit your website.

Full length insightful articles which are likely to be of interest to the members of your email distribution list are an excellent idea for your email marketing campaign. These articles are a good idea because they will likely contain information which the recipients of your email will appreciate. Additionally, these articles give you the opportunity to include information about your products or services in the copy of the email. This can be a subtle form of advertising when it encourages the recipients to purchase a product or service or visit the website without actually asking the recipient to do so.

Short product reviews can also be very useful and helpful when you include them in your email marketing campaign. These reviews can help to attract a great deal of attention especially when the reviews focus on the products you offer and provide favorable reviews for these products. This type of information can either be subjective in nature or can remain objective by simply specifying the features of the products and offering other concrete pieces of information as opposed to opinions of the products.

Advertising is often a quite important part of an email marketing campaign. This advertising may either be direct or indirect in nature. Direct advertising may include banner ads or other graphical advertisements which encourage website visitors to click through the link to reach either your website or a sponsor’s website. Indirect advertising may apply to content in the copy of featured articles which subtly encourage visitors to make a purchase or visit your website. The indirect marketing in an email marketing campaign is usually supporting the products or services you offer while direct marketing will likely promote products and services offered by sponsors who paid to receive advertising space on the email. Email recipients are usually well aware these graphics are part of an advertisement and will choose to click on these links when they have an interest in the products or services being offered.